Monday, November 24, 2008

bethany does this count?

i am answering a prompt from kita's blog. because i am greedy and materialistic and can always rattle off a wishlist...

3 things i want for christmas.

1. a $10,000 giftcard to anthropologie. and that would go so quickly...

2. to get to go with spencer if he gets to go to nashville for work in january. i have always wanted to go there to see the bluegrass/country homeland and the culture. and by 'always' i mean at least five years, so that's always right?

3. a resonator guitar. specifically, this one:

so much for a short blog. dang it.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

It counts for Kristiana's Horse accounting, and it counts for Things I Wish I Could Give You for Christmas. It doesn't count for my horse letters. I'll email you. :)