Thursday, May 29, 2008

my password is password

this is my first official blog entry. it is dedicated to molly lewis, who is moving soon to long beach. molly, now we can stay in touch and you can know my every move and all my goings on, probably more up to date than when you actually lived here. that is how we always are. we must still write letters.

the title of my blog is quite unattractive. but the story goes back to eighth grade, when i first read To Kill A Mockingbird. a bildungsroman is a coming-of-age story, or quite literally, a formation novel. "a type of novel concerned with the education, development, and maturing of a young protagonist." i figured since i always loved children's lit, specifically adolescent literature, and since i can identify with a twelve year old more than my own peers, it was a fitting title. that, and i dont think im qualified to have a blog. hopefully, my writing will mature as this progresses.

the first attempt to create this page was about three months ago, also with molly's help, and i think it is pure luck that i even remembered what website i half-created this on. the other feat was remembering which of about fifteen inside jokes with myself was my password. apparently, you cant actually use the word password because it is unsecure. its not my bank account. what? is someone going to come in and author a blog in my name? gasp! i can only hope it would be bethany, as her blog makes me laugh hysterically and make people who have never met her read it. anyway, i was going to wait to make my first post a picture of me in hollywood kneeling by amy grant's star- ha! but i can't find that picture, so this is what you get instead.

hopefully something more entertaining in the near future.


EnglishNerd said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogs! I'm excited I get to read over Molly's shoulder and hear about your life...that sounded creepier than I meant it...oh well... I'm glad you're online here Tara!

Unknown said...

I am so excited and flattered and honoured, I could pee. I write this in the living room that was once yours after eating dinner in the seat that you officially bequeathed me so many months ago. And yes, I sleep in your old room. That is rather creepy, too. Lots of creep going on in your comment string. Hmm....

Bethany said...

Awwwww... TARA! I'm totally going to stalk you now. Anybody who thinks blogging is for some other purpose than creepy stalking is lying to herself. Oh, and I sometimes sneak into your bathroom at night to brush my teeth.

Anonymous said...

I happened upon your blog when Google sent me an alert - My blog has the same title, for similar reasons! Cheers! :)